December 22, 2024 - Christmas Pageant - Fourth Sunday of Advent

December 22, 2024 - Christmas Pageant - Fourth Sunday of Advent

PASTOR: Doug Mackey LITURGIST: SUMC Children ORGANIST: George Schiller CHIMING OF THE HOUR PRELUDE What Child is This arr. Schram WELCOME TO WORSHIP - Pastor Doug Mackey HYMN Go, Tell It on the Mountain UMH 251 LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT CANDLE - The Byam Children One: We have lit three candles - for hope, for peace, and for joy. Today we light the fourth candle - the candle of love. With this flame we signify the love of God that surrounds and fills us at all times, but that we recognize in a special way in the Christmas story. Two: There is no greater power than love. It is stronger than rulers and empires, stronger than grief of despair, stronger even than death. We love, because God loves us. All: Loving God, we open ourselves to you this Christmas season. As these candles are lit, light our lives with your imagination. Show us the creative power of hope. Teach us the peace that comes from justice. Fill us with the kind of joy that cannot be contained, but must be shared. Magnify your love within us. Prepare our hearts to be transformed by you, that we may walk in the light of Christ. Amen. Sing Verse 4 Advent Candle Song (insert and TFWS 2090) Light the Advent candle, four: Think of joy forever-more; Christ Child in a stable born, gift of love that Christmas morn. Candle, candle, burning bright shining in the cold winter night; candle, candle, burning bright, fill our hearts with Christmas light. CALL TO WORSHIP All Creation holds its breath. The time is almost here. The heavenly choir of angels waits for its cue to sing. Excitement is all around us. Prepare your hearts - The grace of God takes on human form. Good news! Emmanuel, God-with-Us, comes to us. We gather to make ready our hearts for the coming of Christ, our hope. OPENING PRAYER Dear God, thank you for this time together with our family, friends and church family as we focus our attention on the true reason for the season. Jesus! The greatest Christmas gift of all! AMEN "We Three Kings" - performed by Cindy Zych LORD'S PRAYER (All children here with us today may take part in the pageant. Please go to the back of the sanctuary and walk forward when invited.) INVITATION TO OFFERING OFFERTORY DOXOLOGY UMH 95 PRAYER OF DEDICATION HYMN O Come, All Ye Faithful UMH 234 THE CHRISTMAS STORY - as told by the Youth and Children At the end of the story, please join in singing Away in a Manger (Hymn 217) as the children journey from the altar area to the back of the sanctuary. TIME OF PRAYER - Pastor Doug HYMN Silent Night UMH 239 Please join us as we stand and form a circle in the sanctuary holding our glow sticks for this hymn. BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Angels We Have Heard on High Gehrke