Time Is Running Out! Prepare Before It Is Too Late!
If you have been procrastinating the day of your preparedness, it is time to get busy. The future is full of daunting challenges and having the skills and supplies that you need just might make all the difference in your ability to cope with the challenges on the horizon. In this video, we share a list of areas to get you started. Evaluate where you are and make a list of areas that you need to work on. Then GET BUSY! The storm is moving in fast. These resources might be helpful as you work to get ready. Hybrid Light solar lights - Get 20% off with promo code PROVIDENT http://hybridlight.com/discount/provi... USA Berkey Water Filters https://bit.ly/3Q7VZXY - Use promo code PROVIDENT10 for a 10% discount on your purchase. Newbie Prepper: Ten Simple Steps to Get You Started https://theprovidentprepper.org/newbi... We Survived on Food Storage and Garden Produce for 90 Days https://theprovidentprepper.org/we-su... 30-Day Grid Down Cooking Challenge: Lessons Learned and Fuel Usage https://theprovidentprepper.org/30-da... 8 Important Lessons From Texas: Freak Storm Results in Millions Without Power https://theprovidentprepper.org/8-imp... Prepper Home Pharmacy: The Best Medications to Stockpile https://theprovidentprepper.org/prepp... Long Term Food Storage: Creative Solutions to Build a Critical Asset https://theprovidentprepper.org/long-... 3 Months Supply of Food: Amazing Peace of Mind https://theprovidentprepper.org/3-mon... Long Term Food Storage: Best Containers and Treatment Methods https://theprovidentprepper.org/long-... Brilliant Ideas to Literally Light Your World in a Power Outage https://theprovidentprepper.org/brill... Ingenious Places to Store Your Emergency Food Supply https://theprovidentprepper.org/ingen... Safe Indoor Emergency Cooking Solutions https://theprovidentprepper.org/safe-... 6 Lifesaving Tips to Keep Warm During a Winter Power Outage https://theprovidentprepper.org/6-lif... How to Store Water for Emergency Preparedness https://theprovidentprepper.org/how-t... Check out TheProvidentPrepper.org for more information to help you prepare. Thanks for being part of the solution! TheProvidentPrepper.org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies.