Worms Dream Meaning - Spiritual and Biblical Interpretations
#worms #wormdreams #dreamsymbolism #warfareprayers Worms are easily feeds on decomposed food, and other materials. To dream of worms signifies destruction, loss, evil, death, conspiracy. If you see worms feeding on something like fruits means that your enemies are attacking the source of your blessings and eating the fruit of your labout. Worms in the dream can also be a sign of evil (danger) approaching. Also, if you vomit worms in dream indicates recovery from illness or deliverance. To dream of seeing worms in food, means to beware of some food. Some of them might be poisoned by the devil to harm you or to trigger sickness in your body when eating them. If you see worms in your skin means spiritual attacks. ________________________________________________________________ Kindly subscribe to my channel and hit the bell: https://bit.ly/2YUTlPI You can support and partner with the ministry: https://bit.ly/3zBRwEc ________________________________________________________________ Dream about worms spiritual meaning: • Biblical Meaning of WORMS in Dream - ...