The Hindu & The Indian Express Analysis | 25 November, 2023 | Daily Current Affairs | DNS | UPSC CSE

The Hindu & The Indian Express Analysis | 25 November, 2023 | Daily Current Affairs | DNS | UPSC CSE

Welcome to Daily News Simplified! (DNS) In this video lecture, we will do a detailed analysis of THE HINDU & INDIAN EXPRESS for UPSC CSE 2024 and all other relevant competitive examinations. This session is scheduled to commence today at 6:00 PM, providing you with the opportunity to directly address any queries you may have regarding current affairs with Pooja Ma'am. Get all the important news and editorial analysis for UPSC IAS 2024 from THE HINDU newspaper with our daily current affairs Rau’s IAS DNS video lecture. We'll cover all the important news and editorials from 25 November 2023 including: ----------------- 🎯List Topic for UPSC IAS Prelims 1. Sickle cell anaemia 01:16 2. Deep Space Optical Communications 06:34 3. RTI exemptions to certain organisations 14:17 🎯List Topic for UPSC IAS Mains 4. Insolvency and bankruptcy Code 2016 18:15 5. Climate smart agriculture 35:56 6. Forgotten Citizens Migrant Workers 48:51 7. Mangrove Forests 01:07:13 🎯Note : DNS PDF & Word download from our official telegram channel 👇👇👇👇 👉 or ------------------- 🎯Presented by: Ms. Pooja Bhatt of Rau’s IAS Study Circle #DNS #RausDNS #RausDailynewsSimplified #RausIASDNS --------------------------- UPSC Foundation course (General Studies) Pre & Mains 2024-25 👉 --------------- 🎯 RAU’S IAS ONLINE FOR UPSC/IAS - ELEARN 👉 eLearn - Not all our learning content is on YouTube. All our content is available on our learning platform - ----------------- 🎯 Search for answers or browse through Rau’s IAS library of the best IAS content. -------------------------- 🎯Connect with Rau’s IAS Study Circle 👉 Facebook:   / rausias   👉 Instagram:   / rausias   👉 Telegram Channel: 👉 Twitter:   / rausias   ----------------- 🎯 Go To Website 👉 ---------------- #SickleCellAnaemia #DeepSpaceOpticalCommunications #RTIExemptions #InsolvencyandbankruptcyCode #ClimateSmartAgriculture #ForgottenCitizens #MangroveForests #thehinduanalysis #thehindueditoral #TheHindunewspaperanalysis #DailyCurrentAffairs #USPC #IAS #RausIASDNS #UPSC #Currentaffairs #RausIAS #RausIASStudyCircle #UPSCCurrentAffairs #upsccse2024 #cse2024 #upsc #thehinduanalysis #currentaffairstoday #DailyNewsSimplified #upscthehindunewspaper #Currentaffairsforupsc #thehindutoday #Thehindutodayanalysis #Thehindunewstoday #Currentaffairstoday #CurrentAffairsUPSCAnalysis #dailynewssimplified