진돗개 금돌이(강아지) 목줄 적응 훈련

진돗개 금돌이(강아지) 목줄 적응 훈련

🌏이른 아침부터 낮 12시까지 목줄을 해놨더니, 계속 낑낑대면서 울었었는데, 갑자기 울음소리가 들리지 않아서 금돌이한테 가봤더니 조용히 사료를 먹고 있네요 그 모습을 보니까 제 마음은 안 좋지만, 강아지 때부터 목줄 훈련은 꼭 필요해서 어쩔 수가 없네요 🌏From early morning until noon, I put a leash on it, I've been whining and crying I couldn't hear her crying all of a sudden, so I went to Geumdori and He's quietly eating his food, and from the looks of it, I don't like it, but since I was a puppy, I can't help it I really need it