Time and Place 3 | Dr. Billye Brim | LW
God wants us to be aware that we are living in the end of days, right before Jesus’ return. This past weekend, we were blessed to hear from Billye Brim, who talked about the times and seasons in which we now live. She talked about the cycles of time that God has orchestrated and how we are living toward the end of a cycle of seven years. In fact, we are days away from the start of another seven-year cycle of time. We don’t need to be afraid of what is to come. God wants us to be aware of it so we can take our place, standing in our God-given authority over the enemy. Welcome to Living Word Christian Center, Thank you for joining us! If you enjoy this message, be sure to like and subscribe to see more messages from guest speakers, pastors, and discussions with community members! Our Links– • Instagram: / livingwordmn • Twitter: / livingwordmn • Facebook: / livingwordmn Stay up to date with all things LWCC at https://www.LWCC.org •Give online: https://bit.ly/2w8iXqK • If you recently committed your life to God, we'd like to give you a free eBook to help you in your spiritual journey. Click here to download: https://www.lwcc.org/nextsteps/ • If you have any additional questions or prayer requests email us at [email protected] Thank you so much for watching! Likes, favorite moments, and feedback is always appreciated! #billyebrim #rapture #lwcc