ROSÉ - toxic till the end (official music video) reaction

ROSÉ - toxic till the end (official music video) reaction

#rosie #rosé #toxictilltheend // T I M E S T A M P S 00:00 Intro 00:13 toxic till the end 1 04:07 toxic till the end science 10:40 toxic till the end 2 21:46 ROBSESSED 23:56 Seven Forever // N E E D S O M E D I S C O U N T S ? ✨ CODE: ALIKERS3600 // F O L L O W 🍉 Differently Alike |   / differently.alike   🍉 Özlem |   / xoz1em   🍉 Esosa |   / esosacheryl   🍉 Merch US | https://differentlyalike.myspreadshop... 🍉 Merch EU | https://differently-alike.myspreadsho... 🍉 Patreon |   / differentlyalike   🍉 Discord |   / discord   // V I D E O ROSÉ - toxic till the end (official music video)    • ROSÉ - toxic till the end (OFFICIAL ...