imperfect for you - Ariana Grande piano cover/instrumental + piano tutorial

imperfect for you - Ariana Grande piano cover/instrumental + piano tutorial

imperfect for you by Ariana Grande is such a lovely yet simple song which made notating a breeze for once! I especially love the prechorus as it plays with the higher registers and is the perfect transition to the chorus which sounds gorgeous when played with octaves and thicker texture! imperfect for you ariana grande piano cover/instrumental with piano sheet music and chords from her latest album, 'eternal sunshine'. Comment if you want a piano tutorial or have any questions 🌷 🫡🏻 Subscribe for vlogs about medicine, hospital, clinical skills, life and visualisers πŸ’Ό For business enquiries, contact πŸ’Œ [email protected] or Instagram @hellothysworld ❗Leave questions/requests here: ________________________________________________________________________ πŸ§πŸ»β€β™€οΈ ABOUT ME πŸ§πŸ»β€β™€οΈ I’m THY, a 5th year student studying medicine at UNSW in Sydney, Australia. I make videos on how to get into medical school and vlog my life – medical school, yellow shirts and ambient vibes. I post covers occasionally. This video took 1 hour 2 minutes to make. πŸŽ₯ If you enjoyed this video and appreciate my effort, please like, comment and subscribe. I’m very responsive to comments and open to video suggestions! You can also share this video πŸ˜ŒπŸ“² to support me. Take care! Love, THY 🏷 #imperfectforyou #arianagrande #arianagrandecover #imperfectforyoucover #eternalsunshine #pop #pianocover #poppianocover #popcover #covermusic imperfect for you ariana grande imperfect for you ariana grande imperfect for you cover imperfect for you piano cover imperfect for you ariana grande instrumental imperfect for you ariana grandepiano instrumental ariana grande piano instrumental imperfect for you instrumental ariana grande album ariana grande eternal sunshine ariana grande new album ariana grande piano cover instrumental ariana grande piano ariana grande improvised relaxing pop song cover study instrumental music no-lyrics pop piano cover pop music cover pop instrumental