Loco (로꼬) & Punch (펀치) - Say Yes [Color Coded | Han/Rom/Eng Lyrics]

Loco (로꼬) & Punch (펀치) - Say Yes [Color Coded | Han/Rom/Eng Lyrics]

Loco & Punch Say Yes lyrics (From Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart: Ryeo OST Part 2) Feel free to comment or message me for music lyric requests! Loco - green Punch - purple I forgot the word heart in the title LOL. Sorry if the romanization for the lyrics aren't right, I tried looking on other websites but it was all the same. So if it's not right, please comment so I can fix them! Don't forget to subscribe! CREDIT: lyrics - https://ilyricsbuzz.com No copyright infringement intended! This song does not belong to me.