Anglo-Saxon Poetry | Literature Guide
Hi friends, This video is about the Anglo-Saxon Poetry and its characteristics along with some important examples of Anglo-Saxon poetry. The video is divided into five sections. The characteristics of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, the pre-Christian or non-Christian Anglo-Saxon Poetry, Anglo-Saxon war-poetry, elegiac Anglo-Saxon poetry, and Christian Anglo-Saxon poetry. The video contains important information about poems like Widsith, Beowulf, The Complaint of Deor, The Battle of Maldon, Brunanburh, the Fight at Finnesburgh and Waldhere, The poems like The Seafarer, The Wanderer, The Ruined Burg, The Christ, Genesis, Exodus, and the Dream of Rood and many other poems have also been covered in this video. This video will be helpful for the students who are taking competitive exams. ******************************************************************************************************* Please Like, Share and Subscribe Literature Guide ! Your views, and comments are precious to this channel ******************************************************************************************************* I am Vinay S. Pendse, welcome to my educational channel "Literature Guide", which is created in collaboration with Dr. Archana Bobade, HOD (English), Shri Shivaji Arts and Commerce College, Amravati, regarding English literature and criticism. The channel 'Literature Guide" is designed for the people who want to expand their horizon of knowledge of English Literature and it will be helpful for the students of literature as well as people.