11/05/2023 | Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time | 12 pm

11/05/2023 | Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time | 12 pm

Pastor: Rev. Father Jimmy Drennan St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church 1314 Fair Ave. SATX 78223 Social Media and Website www.stmmcc.org Facebook: @stmargaretmarysa (Main Page) Facebook: @StMMRitualMasses (Special Ceremonies) Instagram: @stmargaretmarysa YouTube: @stmargaretmarysa Contribute/Donation Links Paypay.me/stmargaretmarysa Cash.app/$stmargaretmarysa All Rights Reserve @ StMargaretMarySA All Music Rights Copyrights: Breaking Bread 2020 subscription to www.OCP.org CCLI - Christian Copyrigth License International Size A, Duration12 months, Expires 12/30/2022