ये बनाते देखकर सासु माँ के मुँह में पानी भर गया || Lauki Kofta recipe || Dudhi Kofta ​@bhartiyarasoi

ये बनाते देखकर सासु माँ के मुँह में पानी भर गया || Lauki Kofta recipe || Dudhi Kofta ​@bhartiyarasoi

ये बनाते देखकर सासु माँ के मुँह में पानी भर गया || Lauki Kofta recipe || Dudhi Kofta ​@bhartiyarasoi नरम और टेस्टी लौकी कोफ्ता की सब्जी बनाने की आसान रेसिपी-Lauki Kofta recipe in hindi। Dudhi Kofta ​@bhartiyarasoi #bhartiyarasoi #laukikoftacurryrecipe #laukikekofte #laukikisabzi #lauki Ingredients List- for making kofta- 500 gm Bottle gourd( लौकी या दूधी या घीया) 1/2 tsp Red Chilli Powder( लाल मिर्च पाउडर) 1/2 tsp Black Pepper Powder( काली मिर्च पाउडर) 1/2 tsp Garam Masala( गरम मसाला) 1 green chilli( हरी मिर्च) 1/2 inch Ginger( अदरक) 1/2 tsp salt( नमक) 1/2 tsp Carom Seeds( अजवाइन) Coriander leaves( धनिया पत्ती) 5-6 tbsp full Gram Flour( बेसन) Oil for frying kofta( तेल कोफ्ता तलने के लिए) For Gravy- 3 tbsp Oil( तेल) 2 Cloves( लौंग) 2 Cardamoms( इलाइची) 1 Bay Leaf( तेज पत्ता) 1 tsp Cumin Seeds( जीरा) 1/4 tsp Asafoetida ( हींग) 2 finely chopped Onions( बारीक कटा प्याज) 1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder( हल्दी पाउडर) 2 tsp Kashmiri Red Chilli Powder( कश्मीरी लाल मिर्च पाउडर) 1 tsp Coriander Powder( धनिया पाउडर) 1/2 tsp Cumin Powder( जीरा पाउडर) 3 Tomatoes( टमाटर) 1 inch Ginger( अदरक) 6-7 Cashews( काजू) Salt to taste( नमक) 1 tsp Kitchen King Masala( किचन किंग मसाला) 1 tsp Kasuri Methi( कसूरी मेथी) 2 Green Chillis( हरी मिर्च) Coriander leaves ( धनिया पत्ती) ******************************************** lauki bottle gourd loki vegetable dudhi lauki ka juice lauki juice sorakaya dudhi bhopla ghiya vegetable lauki vegetable bottle gourd juice dudhi vegetable bottle gourd vegetable long gourd dudhi plant round bottle gourd lauki seeds lauki ka lauki amla juice bottle gourd leaves ghiya ka juice long bottle gourd kaddu ka juice lauki ki ash gourd juice patanjali lauki ke dudhi juice lauki kaddu bottle gourd oil long gourd vegetable ghiya kaddu loki vegetable images water gourd vegetable lauki bottle gourd ghiya juice bottle gourd price per kg round lauki lauki juice online lauki gourd bottle gourd oil for hair hazara lauki seeds bottle gourd colour lauki seeds price long bottle gourd seeds lauki amazon prime bottle gourd variety dudhi seeds dabur lauki juice baidyanath lauki juice lauki juice for hair lauki ka juice baba ramdev kaddu juice kaddu lauki sorakaya juice lauki ke juice indian bottle gourd doodhi juice bottle gourd types ghia juice bottle gourd flower images sorakaya seeds lauki ghiya dudhi powder patanjali lauki ka plant lauki instant pot lauki leaves lauki dudhi white bottle gourd lauki juice price safed kaddu juice dudhi ka juice bottle gourd powder patanjali ash gourd juice green bottle gourd loki vegetable juice bottle gourd dudhi round dudhi bottle gourd price dudhi colour ghiya ki lauki and ghiya ramdev lauki juice best lauki seeds vegetable ghiya ghiya lauki bottle gourd bottle gourd dudhi plant image bottle gourd order fresh bottle gourd flower of bottle gourd dudhi images bottle bottle gourd bottle gourd seeds for sale dudhi powder indian bottle gourd seeds images of lauki lauki ke chile patanjali lauki juice amazon desi dudhi the bottle gourd how to make lauki Kofta, lauki ke kofte, lauki kofta recipe in hindi, how to make dudhi kofta, bottle gourd curry, tasty lauki kofta, soft lauki kofta, recipe in hindi, lauki recipe, bottle gourd kofta curry, punjabi ghiya ke kofta, lauki kofta, gheeya kofta, shyam rasoi, shyam rasoi recipe, lauki kofta curry, लौकी कोफ्ता की सब्जी