Clapingo English Conversation | Tutor Megha Nayak english speaking practice

Clapingo English Conversation | Tutor Megha Nayak english speaking practice

#meghanayak #clapingo #clapingoconversation Clapingo English Conversation | Fun session with Megha Nayak | Vocabulary | Learn new words english speaking practice This was a very fun and interesting conversation with Megha who was very friendly and great. We talked about dance and stand-up comedy among other things. I hope you enjoy watching! Please leave comments on how did you find the video and recommend me if I should make any changes. If you like the video please do consider subscribing the channel; it will give me motivation to make more videos.🙏 Clapingo Website link 🔗 Clapingo app link 🔗 📢Use CODE "uQ7v6II8" for 30% DISCOUNT 🔖 Attribution: Preview and end screen music Music track: Follow The Sun by Luke Bergs & Waesto Source: Royalty Free Background Music ~~~~~Chapters~~~~~ 00:00 Preview 00:45 Vocab used 01:12 Video starts here 02:15 Perfunctory 03:07 Under the weather 04:48 Get one's hands on 06:52 Embrace 07:09 Masochism 10:06 Emulate 11:28 Ubiquitous 12:06 Nerd 12:56 Get the hang of 13:34 Inhibitions 14:27 Petrified 15:51 Out of this world 16:43 Per se 17:27 Galore 19:04 Pioneer 22:54 Scintilla 24:54 Put on a pedestal #Clapingo #Englishspeaking #learnenglish #clapingotutor #englishstream #englishgrammar #vocabulary #englishspeakingpractice #englishvocabulary #conversation #conversationclass #onlineearning #onlineclasses #onlineenglishspeakingclasses #onlineenglish #onlineenglishteacher #onlineenglishcoaching #fluentenglish #fluentenglishspeaking #fluencyinenglish #clapingoconversation #clapingoenglishconversation #clapingopractice #clapingoenglish #tutorinsha #clapingoenglishpractice #clapingotutor #clapingotutorinsha #clapingo #clapingovideosession #firstsessiononclapingo #clapingotalk #clapingobesttutor #clapingoeducation #clapingoconversation #englishyaari #acefluency #engtalki #cambly #trytothrive #ashuofficial2021 #englishfinglish ‪@Clapingo‬