How much food to feed your puppy? | Veterinary Approved

How much food to feed your puppy? | Veterinary Approved

Hey guys! In this video I will give you great visuals of how much your puppy needs to eat everyday. Puppies need to eat three times a day. No if's and's or but's.. THREE times a day, until they are about 4 months old. Puppies that are "Toy Breeds" may eat 4-6 small meals a day to meet their nutritional needs. Examples of Toy Breeds are chihuahuas, yorkies, Pomeranians, shitzus and miniature schnauzers and more. Large breed puppies (labradors, dobermans, boxers, Australian shepherd ect) are just fine eating 3 big meals a day. In this video I show you a chart that will tell you exactly how many cups to feed your puppy depending on their weight. If you follow that chart you won't go wrong with feeding your puppy the right amount of food. If you are ever in doubt just always feed your puppy more food than less. In this video you will meet Luke who is a 4 month old Aussie Doodle, he is 20lbs and eats about 3-4 cups of food, three times a day. PLEASE share this video with any friends who are getting a new puppy and need to know how much to feed them! I hope this video helped you! Give this Video a THUMBS UP! To help my Veterinary Channel grow! Thank you, Dr. Lindsay Butzer