Q 59 Partnership fundamentals Dk goel class12 Accounts
Q 59 Partnership fundamentals Dk goel class12 Accounts Q59 chapter 1 Accounts class 12 Your Queries Accounting for Partnership firms fundamentals Dk goel solutions Accounts class 12 chapter 1 Q 59 dk goel class 12 chapter 1 Partnership fundamentals class12 one shot fundamentals of Partnership class12 questions Partnership Accounts fundamentals class12 class12 fundamentals of Partnership firm one shot ch 1 Accounting for partnership firms fundamentals Accounting for partnership fundamentals Accounts class12 fundamentals of Partnership ch 1 Accounts class12 fundamentals of Partnership fundamentals of Partnership class12 part 2 fundamentals of Partnership class12 isc fundamentals of Partnership class12 part 8 fundamentals of Partnership class12 questions Sachin Kapil and Rashmi have been sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2:1 respectively .Rashmi wants that she should share profit equally along with Sachin and Kapil and she further wants that change in profit sharing ratio should be applicable retrospectively for the last three years . Others partners have no objections to this. The profit for the last three years were ₹ 60,000, ₹47,000 and ₹ 55,000. Record the adjustments by means of journal entry. #dkgoelaccountancyclass12solutionpartnership #dkgoelaccountancyclass12 #fundamentalofpartnership #class12accounts #dkgoelsolutions #partnershipfundamentals #partnershipclass12 #dkgoelsolution https://www.facebook.com/ https://t.me/babitavasudev/