Sunday 11:00 AM Eucharist
WELCOME IN THE NAME OF JESUS! and Worship with us at our 11:00 AM Sunday Eucharist on the 8th Sunday after Pentecost. The Rev’d. Fr. Peter Hoyer preaches “The Word of God: Joins Together,” a sermon based on Mark Ephesians 2:11-22. From the console of our 47 rank Austin pipe organ with trompette-en-chamade, Bill Glisson leads on Sunday: “Shepherd of Tender Youth” (Entrance); “The Church’s One Foundation” (Hymn of the Day); “Jesus Shall Reign” (Recessional). Our Sunday distribution hymns are: “Oh, How I Love Jesus” “The King of Love, My Shepherd Is,” and “Sent Forth By God’s Blessing.” The color for Sundays in ordinary time is green, signifying our continuing growth in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Father, and the Holy Spirit. You are invited to wear something green to worship. Special music for the weekend includes: Bill Glisson’s organ prelude “The Church’s One Foundation” (Hustad); at the offering, “Gabriel’s Oboe” (Morricone), a duet by Bill Glisson (organ) and Terry Miller (Trumpet), and Bill Glisson’s organ postlude, “Duke Street” (Kosche). July 18, 2021 St Matthew's Lutheran Church Wilmington, NC 28403 All Rights Reserved Used by Permission. CCLI License #20580893