Until I Found You - Guitar Cover | #StephenSanchez #guitar

Until I Found You - Guitar Cover | #StephenSanchez #guitar

'Until I Found You - Guitar Cover' | #StephanSanchez Original Video:- [   • Stephen Sanchez - Until I Found You (...  ] If you enjoyed this video then do like & subscribe to my channel 😁 Also check out my other videos 👍 Thanks For Watching 😊 Song Lyrics: Georgia, wrap me up in all your- I want you, in my arms Oh, let me hold you Never let you again, like I did Oh, I used to say, I would never fall in love again, until I found her” I said, “I would never fall, unless it’s you I fall into” I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her I found you #guitarcoversong #stephensanchez #untilifoundyou #cover #guitar #guitarsolo #intro #danmusic #untilifoundyouguitarcover #acousticcover #simplyguitar