Who is Jesus? Looking for Jesus - Part 1
Jesus warned His disciples that deceptions about Him and in His name would be the first thing they needed to be on guard about in the Last Days in Matthew 24. If we really stop and think about that and let it sink in, then it seems like there is a definite need to really look at who Jesus is based on what is revealed in Scripture, which is the best way to avoid deception. This video is the first of a two part series called, Looking for Jesus. I pray that this video will be helpful to believers and unbelievers alike to help see who Jesus truly is, as revealed in Scripture. Intro [ 0:00 - 02:55 ] The Last Days begin with deception [ 2:55 - 8:25 ] The Antichrist denies what Jesus revealed about Himself [ 8:25 - 9:50 ] Jesus is the Shepherd, God is the Shepherd [ 9:50 - 11:10 ] No confusion, Jesus said He is God [ 11:10 - 14:12 ] Both are in one another [ 14:12 - 14:53 ] They charged Jesus with blasphemy [ 14:53 - 16:21 ] Jesus allowed people to worship Him [ 16:21 - 18:44 ] Jesus is the Creator, He's the Word, He is God [ 18:44 - 20:25 ] Jesus is the image of God that we are made in [ 20:25 - 23:17 ] Is the word "Trinity" in the Bible? [ 23:17 - 27:38 ] The Gospel of God and of Jesus Christ [ 27:38 - 30:32] Jesus is the founder of the New Covenant [ 30:32 - 33:22 ] Jesus is no angel... He's the exact representation of God [ 33:22 - 35:35 ] "Today I have begotten you" and the tenth dimension [ 35:35 - 42:53 ] Jesus the promised Messiah [ 42:53 - 46:14 ] Jesus is the King, God is the King [ 46:14 - 50:50 ] Jesus is the only way to be saved [ 50:50 - 52:32] Hold firm to the Gospel, don't believe in vain [ 52:32 - 54:52 ] Jesus loved Samaritans, tax collectors and sinners: We need to remember that and affirm the truth, without judging one another. [ 54:52 - 1:01:05 ] Are you ready to believe and put your trust in Jesus? [ 1:01:05 - 1:02:31 ] Wrap Up & Final Thoughts [ 1:02:31 - 1:04:26 ] May we be found ready when He comes (Luke 12:38). You can learn more about all of this and a lot more by reading my book: Witnessing the End: Daniel's Seventy Sevens and the Final Decree Everyone Missed. Download it for free at: https://WitnessingTheEnd.com And Check Out my webpage: https://EndTimesBerean.com AND DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT THE OTHER VIDEOS ON MY CHANNEL, like "The Decree Everyone Missed," and, "Did We Miss the Abomination of Desolation?" Blessings in Jesus name! :) Christian Widener, PhD