Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time| September 18, 2022 | 6:00 AM Mass
[LIVE] Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time| September 18, 2022 | 6:00 AM Mass Mass Presider: Rev. Fr. Carmelito Q. Limbaga, Jr. Be Clever for a Good Cause The cleverness of people with worldly concerns often puts to shame those who claim to believe in an “afterlife.” The creativity and sense of urgency which characterize most business people often contrast sharply with the dullness and complacency of the so-called “religious individuals.” This is a sad reality which was already an “established tradition” in the time of Jesus. To counteract such negative trend, Jesus told the parable in today’s Gospel passage. Through this parable, he challenged his audience and challenges us to work hard to solve the many problems that beset mankind. He challenges us to get actively involved in creating a better society by working honestly, promoting justice, and using creatively all the opportunities of this life. In this Eucharist, let us ask for the grace to be able to build God’s Kingdom on earth with creativity and a sense of urgency. Please Subscribe to our YouTube Channels: Couples for Christ Negros Oriental: / @couplesforchristnegrosorie2213 padrejunlemz: / @padrejunlemz To support our Live Streaming, you may send your love offering through: Metrobank - Dumaguete Real Branch Account Name: Roman Catholic Bishop of Dumaguete Account Number: 443-7443-90970-9 | Swift Code: MBTCPHMM GCash Transaction — 09174317088 Please send a copy of the deposit slip or transaction to [email protected] for your official receipt. #SaintJosepthTheWorkerParish #padrejunlemz #CFCNegrosOriental #DioceseofDumaguete #GiftedtoGive #500YOC #MissioAdGentes