Should you wait or buy more Stocks NOW (Best options) | Akshat Shrivastava
👉 Join India's biggest investor community (only at 159/month):    / @akshatzayn  ____________ 👉 Join my May LIVE CRASH course today and build your fundamental knowledge on Stock Market investing in 2 weeks. [FEBRUARY BATCH CLOSED] https://wisdomhatch.com/courses/stock... ____________ Markets are peaking. But the upper rally might not go on forever. If it goes down, should you buy the dip? And what kind of stocks should you buy? Watch the video till the end to understand for yourself:) P.S: NOT AN INVESTMENT ADVICE. Please do your own due diligence. ********************* Sign up for my Newsletter ► https://wisdomhatch.com/newsletter/ Linkedin►  / akshatshrivastavainsead  Twitter►  / akshat_world  Instagram►   / akshat.world  *********************** Attributions: Stock videos from Pixabay and Pexels Logos: Wikipedia Commons TN editor: Ayushman Khare