공격성에 대한 클라인, 비온의 이론과 현대정신분석 이론
"정신분석적 인간 이해 " 강좌 초대장: 공격성에 대한 클라인, 비온의 이론과 현대정신분석 이론 Theories on aggression of Klein and Bion and Modern Psychoanalysis In Klein's formulation of envy, there is an attack on an object; in the case of the original paradigm of the infant at the breast, the infant destroys the breast and spoils its contents Bion's early efforts to grasp the origins and nature of schizophrenic thought and language, so striking in their fragmentation and apparent meaninglessness, led him to feel that a connection existed between schizophrenic fragmentation and the kind of envious attacks described by Klein, but that what was attacked was not only the object itself but the part of the child's own mind that was connected to the object and reality in general The envious infant experiences her whole link to the object as unbearably painful, and therefore attacks not just the breast, but her own mental capacities that connect her to the breast, Bion theorized There is not only a fantasied attack on the object, ripping it to shreds, but an attack on the infant's own perceptual and cognitive apparatus, destroying her capacity to perceive and understand reality in general, her capacity to make meaningful connections with others Envy, for Bion, became a kind of psychological autoimmunological disorder, an attack by the mind on itself (Mitchell and Black, 1995, p 103)