Top 10 Fastest Animals in The World 🦉🦅 #shorts #top10 #fact

Top 10 Fastest Animals in The World 🦉🦅 #shorts #top10 #fact

Top 10 Fastest Animals in The World 🦅🦉 #shorts #top10 #fact Top 10 Fastest Animals list: 01. Peregrine Falcon | 386 km/h 02. Golden Eagle | 320 km/h 03. White-throated Needletail | 171 km/h 04. Mexican Free-tailed Bat | 160 km/h 05. Frigatebird | 153 km/h 06. Cheetah | 113 km/h 07. Sailfish | 110 km/h 08. Pronghorn Antelope | 97 km/h 09. Marlin | 81 km/h 10. Black Marlin | 80 km/h similar tags: top 10 fastest animals in the world fastest animals fastest animals in the world fastest animal in the world fastest animals in the world comparison top 10 fastest animals fastest in the world top 10 fastest animal in the world fastest animals in the world top 10 fastest in this planet animals these 10 animals fastest animal in the air fastest animal in the land biggest in the world fastest animal in the earth 10 fastest animals in the world Hashtags: #short #shortvideo #viral #sugarshorts #youtube #top10 #top5 #video #videoshort #PeregrineFalcon #GoldenEagle #WhitethroatedNeedletail #MexicanFreetailedBat #Frigatebird #Cheetah #Sailfish #PronghornAntelope #Marlin #BlackMarlin #speed Thanks for watching ❣️ PLEASE SUBSCRIBE 🙏