Easy and Beautiful Alpona Design Laxmi Puja 🌼🌸#design #rangoli #alpona #drawing #shorts

Easy and Beautiful Alpona Design Laxmi Puja 🌼🌸#design #rangoli #alpona #drawing #shorts

Learn how to draw easy door alpona design step by step. Welcome to my channel "Traditional alpona". Here you can see verious type of alpona and Rangoli designs like door alpona, round alpona,border alpona, Puja special alpona.Also you can learn how to draw alpona design step by step. Alpona is a folk art style.It is common to the Bengal religions in India and Bangladesh .In contemporary Bengal, alpona are created as part of religious fastivals such as the Durga Puja,Laxmi puja Saraswati Puja,in public and private space. *********************** Contains: Alpona design Easy alpona Very easy alpona Beautiful alpona Simple alpona Alpona drawing Door alpona design Round alpona design Step by step alpona design Rangoli designs Border alpona design Alpona design straight line Puja special alpona Alpona making Bengali alpona Durga Puja special alpona Saraswati Puja special alpona Laxmi puja special alpona Traditional alpona ************** #alpona #design#rangoli #drawing #viral Please subscribe my channel for updates.If you like the videos share it with your friends and family to support me.