Exercise 11.4 Q5 Maths NCERT class 8th | Mensuration Class 8 Ex 11.4 Q5 | Ex 11.4 Q5 class 8

Exercise 11.4 Q5 Maths NCERT class 8th | Mensuration Class 8 Ex 11.4 Q5 | Ex 11.4 Q5 class 8

Exercise 11.4 Q5 Maths NCERT class 8th | Mensuration Class 8 Ex 11.4 Q5 | Ex 11.4 Q5 class 8 In this video we will solve Question number 5 from Exercise 11.4 Chapter 11 Mensuration from NCERT Mathematics class 8 CBSE Board new Pattern based. Q5. Find the height of the cylinder whose volume is 1.54 m³ and diameter of the base is 140 cm ? #mensuration #mensurationclass8 #class8ncertmaths #ncertclass8thmaths #areaandperimeter #mensuration8th #class8maths #8thclass #mukeshmaths8 #areaandperimeter #surfaceareaandvolumes8thclass #surfaceareasandvolumes