NEW CHILD EMPEROR ULTIMATE in The Strongest Battlegrounds ROBLOX
👑Welcome To The Fatal Kingdom…👑 -in this video I showcased what could possibly come to the strongest battlegrounds roblox. The possible new moves or finishers and ultimate moves that could come to TSB. This concept game I played has so much potential for tsb if they decided import some of these ideas in there own format and bring it to life in the strongest battlegrounds roblox. Game: https://www.roblox.com/games/17408262... ⚔️Come Hang:   / discord  ⚔️ Follow The Tiktok: _Fatalking ⚔️RAHHHHHH 🏇 Before you go, you should leave a like on the video and subscribe! I bet you can do it in under 5 seconds... #roblox #newupdate #ultimate #battlegrounds #tsb