Psalm 138: In the presence of the angels I praise you, O Lord. | Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 138: In the presence of the angels I praise you, O Lord. | Responsorial Psalm

Music video for Responsorial Psalm 138. FIFTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (C). "Sing praises to the Lord with Psalm 138! 'In the presence of the angels I praise you, O Lord' is a beautiful declaration of worship. This responsorial psalm is perfect for Catholic Mass, liturgy, and personal devotion. Timeline 00:00 - Responsorial Psalm 03:54 - Gospel Acclamation Song Details Psalm: Psalm 138 Title: In the presence of the angels I praise you, O Lord. Type: Responsorial Psalm Music Style: [Classical Sacred Music] Score Sheet [] Gospel Acclamation [] Subscribe to our channel for more Christian music, psalms, and worship songs: [] RESPONSORIAL PSALM Ps 138:1ac-2a.2bcd-3.4-5.7c-8 (R. 1b) R/. In the presence of the angels I praise you, O Lord. I thank you, Lord, with all my heart; You have heard the words of my mouth. In the presence of the angels I praise you. I bow down towards your holy temple. R/. I give thanks to your name for your merciful love and your faithfulness. You have exalted your name and your promise over all. On the day I called, you answered me; you increased the strength of my soul. R/. R/. In the presence of the angels I praise you, O Lord. All earth’s kings shall thank you, O LORD, when they hear the words of your mouth. They shall sing of the ways of the Lord, “How great is the glory of the Lord!” R/. With your right hand you save me; the Lord will accomplish this for me. O Lord, your merciful love is eternal; discard not the work of your hands. R/. ALLELUIA Matthew 4: 19 Alleluia. Follow me, says the Lord, and I will make you fishers of men. Alleluia. #liturgicalmusic #PsalmistsVoice #psalmist #choir #responsorialpsalms #Psalm138 #PraiseYouOLord #CatholicMusic #ResponsorialPsalm