Dec 24 2023 - Christmas Eve Service

Dec 24 2023 - Christmas Eve Service

Celebrate the season with story, song and contemplation. Coordinators: Martha Larson & Molly Vigeant 00:00:00 Gathering Music 00:04:04 Welcome 00:05:29 Centering 00:06:37 Chalice Lighting 00:07:45 Oh Come All Yea Faithful 00:11:21 Reading Luke's Gospel 2:1-21 00:13:37 For So The Children Come 00:18:22 Birdss of Bethlehem 00:21:59 O Little Town of Bethlehem 00:24:26 Reading- Here the Earth Calls 00:27:58 Angles we have heard on high 00:31:07 Reading - A Blessing for Traveling in the Dark 00:33:05 Christmas Song 00:35:30 The Holly King and the Oak King 00:46:43 Four Carols 00:57:45 Closing