Ch -7 | Issue of Debenture | Class -12th | Company Accounts | Practical Ques.24 | DK goel solution |
#commerceknowledgeworld #class12thaccounts #ch7issueofdebenturepracticalquestions CHAPTER -7 | ISSUE OF DEBENTURE | CLASS 12TH | ACCOUNTING FOR COMPANIES | PRACTICAL QUESTION NO.24 | DK GOEL SOLUTION | JOURNAL ENTRIES | In this video we are solving the practical question no.24 of ch-7 ACCOUNTING FOR COMPANIES-ISSUE OF DEBENTURE class 12 from the dk goel book 2024-25. Company Accounts-Issue of Debenture Practical question no.24 Issue of debenture at Par | Issue of Debenture at Premium | Debenture issue for Consideration other than cash | Calls in Arrear | Calls in Advance...... Over Subscription of Debenture Pro-Rata & Rejection | Journal Entries |Journal Entries | Cash Book | Balance Sheet | Notes To Accounts | Easy Explanations...... . . Class-12th Dk Goel Dk Goel Solutions Accountancy...... . . Share ur queries and feedback in the comment section..... . #commerceknowledgeworld #accountancyclass12th #accountingforcompanies #companyaccountsclass12 #chapter7issueofdebenture #issueofdebenturebasics #completebasicsaeasyexplanations #issueofdebenturetopublic #issueofdebenturetovendorforpurchaseconsideration#practicalquestion24solved #dkgoelaccountsclass12 #dkgoelsolution#questionno24solved #issueofdebenturetobankofcollateralsecurity #handwrittennotes #cbseboardexam #hbseboardclass12 #companyaccounts #issueofdebentures #redemption #debentures #ch7 #class12accounts #class12accountancy #class12account #practicalquestion #additionalquestions #collateral #debêntures #cbseboardexam #hbseboardclass12 issue of debentures class 12| issue of debentures class 12 question| issue of debentures class 12 theory| issue of debentures class 12 collateral security| issue of debentures class 12th| issue of debentures class 12 consideration other than cash| issue of debentures class 12 all types of questions| issue of debentures class 12 all entries| issue of debentures class 12 at discount| issue of debentures class 12 accounts| issue of debentures class 12 at par| accounting for companies issue of debentures class 12| accounting for issue of debentures class 12| issue and redemption of debentures class 12| loss on issue of debentures account class 12| issue of debentures as collateral security class 12| journal entry for issue and redemption of debentures class 12| class 12 accounts issue of debentures consideration other than cash| issue of debentures at discount class 12| issue of debentures class 12 basic| issue of debentures class 12 balance sheet| balance sheet of issue of debentures class 12| Cbse board exam class -12th | hbse board exam class -12th | / @commerce_crew • Issue of shares Class -12th • Issue of debenture class -12th