Easter Sunday 4-17-22

Easter Sunday 4-17-22

Know a neighbor or a friend or family member who can't come to Mass to celebrate with us? Offer them the comfort of sharing Easter Sunday Mass with us live-streamed Sunday, April 17 at 10:00 am. The recording is available immediately after on our channel. Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Mission San Luis Rey, Oceanside, California Recorded Live, Sunday, April 17, 2022, at 10:a0 pm Daily readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/reading... Dear Parish Family: During this pandemic, we continue to be united in prayer, gratitude, and service. Please support our mission to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ today by giving online here: https://sanluisreyparish.org/giving/d... Thank you for your support. Stay Connected: https://sanluisreyparish.flocknote.com Thank you to the Videographers for this liturgy: Matt Heck Thank you to the Sound Engineer for this liturgy: Jorge Soto Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service was obtained from ONE LICENSE License #A725901. All Rights Reserved