Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 19, 2023
St. John's Lutheran Church Worship Service Pastor: Rev. Dr. Richard Zeile Order of Service can be found in the Lutheran Service Book (LSB). You can get a copy of the LSB at: https://www.cph.org/p-98-lutheran-ser... You can get bulletin at: LINK *** For more information visit us at: Facebook: https://bit.ly/StJohnsLutheranTaylorF... *** Online Bible Study: ----------------- To participate in the online Bible Study, email Rev. Dr. Richard Zeile at [email protected] for the link and reminders. *** Martin Luther’s Evening Prayer: ------------------------------- "An Unchanging Faith for Changing Lives" describes the message of God for us in the turmoil of the 21st Century. This faith is taught at St. John's Lutheran Church of Taylor, Michigan, and other congregations of the Lutheran church-Missouri Synod. Rev. Dr. Richard Zeile, Pastor at St. John's, applies the Word of God to our everyday experiences. God's LAW always accuses, but God's GOSPEL shows where grace can be found, through Jesus Christ who died for our sin, but rose that we may have eternal life. Listen online at www.buzzsprout.com/34718 or tune in on one of the following stations: Detroit, MI WRDT am560 Sunday 6:00pm EST Detroit, MI WMKM am1440 Monday 8:00pm EST Wilkes-Barre, PA WITK fm94.7 Thursday 7:00pm EST Scranton, PA WITK am1550 Thursday 7:00pm EST Richmond, VA WDZY fm103.3 Friday 8:00am EST Richmond, VA WDZY am1290 Friday 8:00am EST Omaha, NE KLNG fm101.5 Saturday 7:00pm CST Council Bluffs, IA KLNG am1560 Saturday 7:00pm CST Bakersfield, CA KERI am1410 Friday 1:30am PST International Short Wave WRMI 77.80mghz Monday 5:00pm EST * * The mission of St. John’s Lutheran Church is to conserve and promote the true Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ in our members, our community, and our world.