신혼부부밥상// 참치 김치찌개 (feat.스팸구이, 계란후라이) │NEWLYWEDS DINING TABLE│TUNA KIMCHI STEW (feat.Spam, Fried Egg)│

신혼부부밥상// 참치 김치찌개 (feat.스팸구이, 계란후라이) │NEWLYWEDS DINING TABLE│TUNA KIMCHI STEW (feat.Spam, Fried Egg)│

[THIS IS SOMSOMMY CHANNEL] 신혼부부 밥상 메뉴입니다. 이번에는 참치가 들어간 참치 김치찌개입니다.스팸구이, 계란 후라이를 곁들였습니다. 맛있게 시청해주세요~~!! This is the newlyweds dining table menu. This time, it's kimchi stew with tuna. Served with grilled spam and fried egg. Please enjoy watching it~~!! If you are already subscribed to my channel, welcome back and thank you for watching. I would appreciate it if you check my previous videos and please keep supporting me by liking my videos. If you are new to my channel, please subscribe and like my videos and I hope you come back for my latest videos as well. If possible, I will try to make meals of your choice, so please let me know your preference in the comments below. ◆ e-mail ◆ [email protected] 구독, 좋아요, 댓글은 저희에게 큰 힘이 됩니다.♥!! . . . . . . #김치찌개#참치김치찌개#요리#집밥#신혼밥상#스팸#계란후라이#저녁