Baby Shark Song | Baby Shark do do do Song - Nursery rhymes and kids song | Parody Song baby shark

Baby Shark Song | Baby Shark do do do Song - Nursery rhymes and kids song | Parody Song baby shark

Lyrics Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo Baby Shark Mommy Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo Mommy Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo Mommy Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo Mommy Shark and more #nurseryrhymes #babyshark __________________________________________________ Five Little Monkeys jumping on the bed Song #fivelittlemonkeys Wheels on the bus #wheelsonthebus Old MacDonald had a farm song #oldmacdonaldhadafarm Twinkle twinkle little star Song #twinkletwinklelittlestar Five Little ducks Song #ducks Ba Ba black sheep Song #blacksheep Daddy finger Song #daddyfinger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #kidsvideo #nurseryrhymes #a_for_apple #phonics_song #kidssong #kidsvideos #cartoon #animation #kidsfun #rhymes #abcd #hindistories #hindirhymes #cocomelon #funkids #cleverkids #a_for_apple #abcd #kidscartoon Hello everyone I hope you Enjoy watching, comment and put likes so that more people see the video and dont forget to turn on the bell for more videos! All rights reserved #kidssongs #soundvariations​​​ #soundvariations ​​#memes​​​ #NurseryRhymes #Nursery #Rhymes #OmNom #LonePotato #soundvariations #omnom #nibblenom #beedude #meme #CoComelon #soundvariations2021 #soundvariationsin30seconds #soundvariationsin30seconds #crybaby #cute #baby #daddy #mommy #dad #mom #fun #funny #song #10DaddyDidaFunnyDanceWhat'llIdo?SoundVariationsin55seconds #What'llIdo? #whatdoidolyrics #seconds #YT #YouTube #daddycocomelon #cocomelonfun #soundvariations #soundvariations30seconds. #sweet #sweetsoundvariations #WheelsontheBusgoRoundAndRoundKidsSongChildrenCocomelonCartoonBabies