Don McLean - Vincent.

Don McLean - Vincent.

“Vincent” is one of Don McLean’s most beloved songs, released in 1971 as part of his iconic album, American Pie. The song is a poignant tribute to the artist Vincent van Gogh and is often subtitled “Starry Starry Night”, referencing Van Gogh’s famous painting. McLean wrote the song to capture Van Gogh’s troubled genius and the lack of appreciation he experienced during his lifetime. The lyrics reflect Van Gogh’s passion, struggles with mental health, and eventual tragic end, using vivid imagery inspired by his paintings, such as The Starry Night and Wheatfield with Crows. The song’s gentle melody, heartfelt lyrics, and acoustic arrangement have made it an enduring classic. It’s widely regarded as one of McLean’s finest works and a beautiful homage to the intersection of art and emotion. “Vincent” er en af Don McLeans mest elskede sange, udgivet i 1971 på hans ikoniske album American Pie. Sangen er en rørende hyldest til kunstneren Vincent van Gogh og kaldes ofte “Starry Starry Night”, med henvisning til Van Goghs berømte maleri. McLean skrev sangen for at indfange Van Goghs geniale, men plagede sjæl og den manglende anerkendelse, han oplevede i sin levetid. Teksterne afspejler Van Goghs lidenskab, mentale kamp og tragiske skæbne gennem levende billedsprog inspireret af hans værker som Stjernenat og Kornmark med krager. Sangens blide melodi, inderlige tekst og akustiske arrangement har gjort den til en tidløs klassiker og en smuk hyldest til mødet mellem kunst og følelser.