November 21, 2021 Thanksgiving Sunday
Thanksgiving Service by the Rev. J. T. Kim of the First United Methodist Church of Riverside, California. December 21st, 2021 https://firstchurchriverside.org Music Copyright License Information: Prelude: “We Gather Together” by Healey Willan. ©1997 Concordia Publishing House, OneLicense Song #110011, OneLicense A-735776. Introit: "This is the Day," from "Acclamations," by Hal H. Hopson. ©1981 The Sacred Music Press, a division of The Lorenz Corporation (Admin by Music Services). OneLicense #991789, OneLicense A-735776. Opening Hymn: “10,000 Reasons” by Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman. © 2011 Thankyou Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing), Said And Done Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing), sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing), SHOUT! Music Publishing (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing), worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). CCLI Song # 6016351, CCLI License #11231812. Prayer Response: "Hear Our Prayer, O Lord", from "Introits and Responses," by C. Albert Scholin. OneLicense #A-735776. Anthem: “Now Thank We All Our God” by David N. Johnson. OneLicense #A-735776. Interlude: “Nobody” by Mark Hall, Bernie Herms, Matthew West. ©2018 My Refuge Music, Be Essential Songs, Highly Combustible Music, House of Story Music Publishing, One77 Songs, remaining portion is unaffiliated. CCLI Song # 7121827, CCLI License # 11231812. Hymn of Dedication: “Give Thanks” by Henry Smith. ©1978 Integrity's Hosanna! Music, CCLI Song #20285, CCLI License #11231812. Offering Song: “As We Seek Your Face/Jesus, Draw Me Close” (Medley) by Dave Bilbrough and Rick Founds. ©1999 Maranatha! Music. CCLI Song # 442375; CCLI Song #443680, CCLI License #11231812. Sending Hymn: “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” (Ode to Joy) by Edward Hodges, Henry Van Dyke, Ludwig van Beethoven. Words and Music Public Domain. Postlude: “Postlude on ‘Now Thank We All Our God’” by Charles Callahan. ©1998 Concordia Publishing House, OneLicense Song #109907, OneLicense #A-735776.