5 Steps to Withdrawal SAFELY from Benzodiazepines | Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, Valium

5 Steps to Withdrawal SAFELY from Benzodiazepines | Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, Valium

Today we will discuss 5 important steps/tips to take to withdraw safely from benzos (i.e. Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, and Valium) Intro 00:00 Considerations 00:22 1. Talk to your provider 01:40 2. Support system 02:20 3. The right mindset 02:50 4. Determine your withdrawal schedule 03:45 reviewing a withdrawal schedule 06:18 5. Listen to your body 10:00 withdrawal symptoms 10:52 post-withdrawal syndrome 11:57 The Dont's 14:09 Resources: Deprescribing Guide: https://amzn.to/4dZEUMk The Ashton manual https://www.benzoinfo.com/ashtonmanual/ https://www.benzo.org.uk/index.htm https://benzoreform.org/patient-tools/ Article: New FDA Study Shows Benzodiazepines Can Cause Long-Term Injury https://www.madinamerica.com/2020/12/... Article: How Long Does Withdrawal From Benzodiazepines Last? https://www.verywellmind.com/benzodia... Support groups Benzo Buddies http://www.benzobuddies.org/ Benzo withdrawal support group (Facebook)   / 1533103743653421   Benzo Withdrawal Support and info https://benzoreform.org/benzodiazepin... Angie Peacock: https://www.apeacockconsulting.com/ Find a doctor https://www.benzoinfo.com/doctors/ Videos: Dr. Heather Ashton - Benzodiazepine Withdrawal    • Dr. Heather Ashton - Benzodiazepine W...   The Ashton Manual Chapter II: How to Withdraw After Long Term Use    • The Ashton Manual Chapter II: How to ...   10 Tips to Find Medical Help with Benzodiazepine Cessation from Dr. Christy Huff    • Dr. Christy Huff's 10 Tips to Find Me...   🚑 If you are in a mental health crisis, please dial 9-8-8 from the U.S. Or text HOME to 741741 and connect to a crisis counselor. You can find a list of international crisis lines here: https://blog.opencounseling.com/suici... Disclaimer: All of the information on this channel is for educational purposes only and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice or substitute for diagnosis and treatment of any conditions discussed herein. Furthermore, watching these videos or getting answers to comments/questions, does not establish a provider-patient relationship. Please consult with your own health care provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. Mental health matters gear https://www.psychlifeteeco.com/ This video was made using Doodly v2.7.4 Adobe Premiere- video editing software Pixabay.com Canva.com Epidemic sounds