![Psalm 79:4 | Responsorial Psalm for 4th Sunday of Advent [Year C]](https://krtube.net/image/Ospn91vWW1o.webp)
Psalm 79:4 | Responsorial Psalm for 4th Sunday of Advent [Year C]
Get the PDF sheet and other resources for this psalm at: https://www.cjmmusic.com/psalms/4th-s... Text © The Grail (England) Used by permission Music by y Jo Boyce & Mike Stanley © CJM MUSIC CCLI & OneLicense No. 7122281 CCLI & OneLicense Song Title: God of Hosts Responsorial Psalms and Songs for Advent [Year C]: https://www.cjmmusic.com/resources-id... __________ CJM MUSIC is committed to resourcing pastoral musicians, liturgical ministers, worship leaders, teachers and catechists. Find more resources for music ministry and liturgy at: https://www.cjmmusic.com