New Monstera Adansonii Care | Monstera adansonii | Swiss Cheese Plant care

New Monstera Adansonii Care | Monstera adansonii | Swiss Cheese Plant care

Did you just buy a new Monstera adansonii? Should you water your new Monstera adansonii right away? Do you need to repot your new Monstera immediately? What is the best spot for your Monstera adansonii? In this video, I’ll show step by step, everything you need to do with your new Monstera. This is a quick start guide for your new Monstera adansonii. It’s what I do when I buy a new Monstera. Monstera adansonii is also called Swiss Cheese plant. About Planting 101: I'm a gardening nerd sharing my love for gardening. Giving you tips and advice so you don't make the same gardening mistakes as I did! Checkout my website: