6 TRUE And SCARY Deep Woods Stories To Fall Asleep To | Rain Sounds | Fall Asleep Fast

6 TRUE And SCARY Deep Woods Stories To Fall Asleep To | Rain Sounds | Fall Asleep Fast

These are 6 Scary & Creepy Deep Woods Stories with rain sounds. The Stories told are meant to relax and unsettle you. If you have your own true scary story Please email it to me or post it to my subreddit. Intro : [00:00] Story 1: [00:23] - U/A Story 2: [10:01] - U/A Story 3: [14:29] - NumberEconomy8518 Story 4: [18:57] - U/A Story 5: [24:49] - U/A Story 6: [28:31] - Mummyto4 Outro : [32:35] Extra Rain : [35:37] As always leave a comment below of a theme you'd like to hear next. I'm trying my best to put out 2-3 videos a week and i would love more subscriber stories so I can do another full episode. but i need more submissions to do so. Please send them to me if you have any scary TRUE creepy/scary encounter stories or paranormal stories whatever fits the mold of the channel. 👻🍻 ________________________________________________________________________________________ â–ş[ Intro & Background Ambience] - ‪@RobinMikalsenVFX‬ ________________________________________________________________________________________ â–ş[FB] -   / boozeandboosfb   â–ş[Twitter] -   / boozandboos   â–ş[Instagram] -   / booze_boos   ______________________________________________________________________________________ `SUBMIT YOUR SCARY STORY` â–ş[ Subreddit] -   / boozeandboos   â–ş[Email] - [email protected] ~All stories are have full permission from their respective authors~ #horrorstories #trending #scary