Resident Evil 2 Remake - How to Unlock Every Safe & Lock - GUIDE
The Resident Evil 2 Remake on PS4, Xbox One & PC has a handful of lockers, desks and safes waiting to be opened! You could check every single room searching for these codes OR you can follow our simple guide that does it all for you! This will even net you the "Master of Unlocking" Trophy or Achievement --------------------------------- Follow GameXplain! --------------------------------- ➤ PATREON: / gamexplain ➤ FACEBOOK:: / gamexplain ➤ TWITTER: / gamexplain ➤ INSTAGRAM: / gamexplain_official ➤ GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/1080043484356... ⮞ Clothe yourself with a GX shirt @ https://www.redbubble.com/people/game... ⮞ Support us by shopping @ AMAZON- https://amzn.to/2FJlYnx ⮞ Get our Real Talk Podcast early for $1/month at / gamexplain