Chicken Wings recipe|Crispy fried chicken Wings recipe | How to Fry Chicken Wings | 🍗🍗🍗

Chicken Wings recipe|Crispy fried chicken Wings recipe | How to Fry Chicken Wings | 🍗🍗🍗

Chicken Wings recipe|Crispy fried chicken Wings recipe | How to Fry Chicken Wings | 🍗🍗🍗 Assalam u alykum! welcome to foodsfordiabetics!In this video, learn how to make Crispy fried chicken recipe(کرسپی فرائیڈ چکن ونگز کرنے کا طریقہ) Friends, today I am going to share with you the recipe of frying chicken wings. In today's video, I have told how to cut chicken wings, how to make meritnation and how to fry, by following which you can easily fry chicken at home. Wings can be fried Ingredients Chicken wings 1 kg Yogurt Red chili powder salt Turmeric powder Oil and other ingredients Watch the full video for more details If you like the video, please like the video and share it with your friends. Thank you very much for visiting the Foods for Diabetics channel. #foodsfordiabetics #chickenwingsfrying #howtochickenwingsfry #howtofrycrispychickenwings #crispychicken