Second Sunday of Lent (4:30pm Vigil Mass - 2022)
Presider: Fr. Larry Marcille Homilist: Fr. David Warren ________________________________________ Time Stamps 0:00 - Livestream Starts 6:17 - Mass Begins 13:04 - First Reading (Genesis 15: 5 - 12, 17 - 18) 14:55 - Responsorial Psalm (Psalms 27: 1, 7 - 8, 9, 13 - 14) 17:00 - Second Reading (Philippians 3: 17 - 4: 1) 18:40 - Gospel Acclamation 19:55 - Gospel (Luke 9: 28b - 36) 21:35 - Homily 34:03 - Prayers of the Faithful 36:09 - Liturgy of the Eucharist 58:36 - Concluding Hymn