Today's Catholic Mass Readings & Gospel Reflection - Thursday, August 1, 2024
#TheWordTodayTV #TodayGospelReading #GospelReadingforToday #GospelandReflection #HolyMassReadings Today's Catholic Mass Readings & Gospel Reflection - Thursday, August 1, 2024 Reading 1: Jer 18:1-6 Resp: Ps 146:1B-2, 3-4, 5-6AB Gospel: Matthew 13:47-53 Memorial of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Lectionary: 404 Reading 1: Jer 18:1-6 The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying: “Rise up and descend into the house of the potter, and there you will hear my words.” And I descended into the house of the potter, and behold, he was making a work on the wheel. And the vessel, which he was making with his hands out of clay, broke. And turning away, he made another vessel, for it had been pleasing in his eyes to make it. Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: “Am I not able to do with you, O house of Israel, just as this potter has done, says the Lord? Behold, like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel." Responsorial Psalm: Ps 146:1B-2, 3-4, 5-6AB R. (5a) Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob. Praise the Lord, O my soul, in my life I will praise the Lord: I will sing to my God as long as I shall be. Put not your trust in princes: R. Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob. In the children of men, in whom there is no salvation. His spirit shall go forth, and he shall return into his earth: in that day all their thoughts shall perish. R. Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob. Blessed is he who has the God of Jacob for his helper, whose hope is in the Lord his God: who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all things that are in them. R. Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob. Alleluia: Acts 16:14 R. Alleluia, alleluia. Open our heart, O Lord, to listen to the words of your Son. R. Alleluia, alleluia. Gospel: Matthew 13:47-53 Jesus said to the disciples: “The Kingdom of heaven is like a net cast into the sea, which gathers together all kinds of fish. When it has been filled, drawing it out and sitting beside the shore, they selected the good into vessels, but the bad they threw away. So shall it be at the consummation of the age. The Angels shall go forth and separate the bad from the midst of the just. And they shall cast them into the furnace of fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Have you understood all these things?” They say to him, “Yes.” He said to them, “Therefore, every scribe well-taught about the kingdom of heaven, is like a man, the father of a family, who offers from his storehouse both the new and the old.” And it happened that, when Jesus had completed these parables, he went away from there. === Reflection: https://mycatholic.life/books/catholi... Copyright © 2020 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. www.mycatholic.life === Disclaimer: This video may contain copyrighted material used under 'fair use' for religious, educational, and inspirational purposes. I do not claim ownership of the copyrighted content. If you believe any material infringes on your copyright, please contact me at [email protected], and I will address it promptly. === today's holy mass reading,today's catholic mass reading,daily mass readings 2024,Today's Gospel Reading,today's mass reading catholic,mass readings english,Gospel Reading,Responsorial Psalm,mass,catholic,bible,the word today,daily mass readings,mass readings for today,catholic mass reading,the word today tv,catholic mass today,catholic mass,catholic daily mass readings 2024,catholic readings today,daily catholic readings,daily mass readings and reflections,