Lick | Meaning of lick

Lick | Meaning of lick

See here, the meanings of the word lick, as video and text. (Click show more below.) lick (noun) The act of licking; a stroke of the tongue. The cat gave its fur a lick. lick (noun) The amount of some substance obtainable with a single lick. Give me a lick of ice cream. lick (noun) A quick and careless application of anything, as if by a stroke of the tongue, or of something which acts like a tongue. A lick of paint; to put on colours with a lick of the brush. lick (noun) A place where animals lick minerals from the ground. The birds gathered at the clay lick. lick (noun) A small watercourse or ephemeral stream. It ranks between a rill and a stream. We used to play in the lick. lick (noun) A stroke or blow. Hit that wedge a good lick with the sledgehammer. lick (noun) A bit. You don't have a lick of sense. I didn't do a lick of work today. lick (noun) Speed. The bus was travelling at a good lick when it swerved and left the road. lick (verb) To stroke with the tongue. The cat licked its fur. lick (verb) To lap; to take in with the tongue. She licked the last of the honey off the spoon before washing it. lick (verb) To beat with repeated blows. lick (verb) To defeat decisively, particularly in a fight. My dad can lick your dad. lick (verb) To overcome. I think I can lick this. lick (verb) To do anything partially. Reference: lick January 24, 2019 Please support us with your SUBSCRIPTION!