Official Trailer | Captain America : Brave New World(2025) #marvel #captainamerica #bravenewworld
Synopsis Captain America : Brave New World(2025) After the events of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Sam Wilson now holds the shield and the enormous responsibility of Captain America. However, the world is not yet ready for this major change. Amidst global turmoil, Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross (played by Harrison Ford) who is now President of the United States has a hidden agenda against superheroes. Meanwhile, a new threat emerges in the form of Samuel Sterns aka The Leader (Tim Blake Nelson), who was last seen in The Incredible Hulk (2008). Not only that, reportedly the Serpent Society group will also be introduced in this film. They are a criminal organization that could have connections to a major conspiracy in the Marvel superhero world. Sam Wilson must face a more dangerous enemy than ever before, while upholding Captain America's values in the midst of an increasingly divided world. Luckily, he's not alone. Bucky Barnes (most likely to appear) and his new allies such as Joaquin Torres (Danny Ramirez) who takes over the role of Falcon are ready to help him. The question is: Can Sam prove himself as the new Captain America?