Do This Stretch EVERY Day (FEEL AMAZING!)
If you go through your day feeling tight and stiff, especially in your low back, then there is one stretch you should be doing every day. This one is a game changer and will not only have you feeling amazing, but it's a stretch that I do every day, myself. The stretch that you should be doing every day, especially if you have low back pain, tightness, or stiffness, is something called the QL slide. QL stands for quadratus lumborum, a deep muscle in the back that, when tight, can actually cause back pain. You might think it's a dysfunction in your spine, but the reality could be that this muscle is just too tight. The problem is, however, that this muscle can be hard to locate and therefor stretch. The good news is that the QL slide will be able to loosen up any tightness and help to eliminate that nagging back pain. Simply drop a leg back and use your arms to prop up your body into a side bent position. Try and maintain this position for 30-45 seconds each side and look to feel the stretch most in the outside area of your lower back just around your waistline. Doing this will help make your back feel that much better. For more stretching routines and muscle building tips, be sure to stay tuned to this channel and remember to subscribe so you never miss another video from a physical therapist with a pro sports background as a PT and strength coach. You can subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW Get Your Workout & Meal Plan: 📝 https://www.athleanx.com Connect With Me: 👉   / athleanx  For complete step-by-step workout programs, head on over to athleanx.com and make sure to use the program selector to find the training plan that is best suited to your personal goals. Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).