3 NEW Command Block Hacks in Minecraft Bedrock!

3 NEW Command Block Hacks in Minecraft Bedrock!

Minecraft Bedrock: 3 EASY Command Block Build Tutorial! (MCPE/PC/X-BOX/PS5/Nintendo Switch) In this video I'll show you 3 different command block hacks that you can use in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21. Enjoy! This video includes builds such as Guard Zombie, Knockback Stick etc. Subscribe for more amazing videos! ➡https://www.youtube.com/c/NoiseGaming... Commands used in the video: ➡ /give @p command_block ➡ /gamerule commandblockoutput false ➡ execute as @a at @s positioned ~~~ if entity @a[r=3,hasitem={item=stick,data=0,location=slot.weapon.mainhand}] run tp @e[type=!player,type=!item,r=3] ^^20^30 ➡ execute as @e[type=!player] at @s if block ~~-1~ magenta_glazed_terracotta["facing_direction"=2] run tp @s ~~~0.1 0 0 ➡ execute as @e[type=!player] at @s if block ~~-1~ magenta_glazed_terracotta["facing_direction"=5] run tp @s ~-0.1~~ 90 0 ➡ execute as @e[type=!player] at @s if block ~~-1~ magenta_glazed_terracotta["facing_direction"=3] run tp @s ~~~-0.1 180 0 ➡ execute as @e[type=!player] at @s if block ~~-1~ magenta_glazed_terracotta["facing_direction"=4] run tp @s ~0.1~~ -90 0 ➡ /give @p barrier ➡ playanimation @e animation.ghast.scale f 100 ➡ playanimation @e animation.creeper.swelling f 3 ➡ playanimation @e animation.bat.flying f 100 ➡ playanimation @e animation.enderman.scary_face f 100 ➡ playanimation @e animation.evoker.casting f 100 Music: Music track: breeze by massobeats Music track: aromatic by massobeats Music track: noon by massobeats Source: https://freetouse.com/music Copyright Free Music (Free Download)