What are NFOs? | Should I invest in NFOs? | CA Rachana Ranade
In today's video, we will understand the basics of NFOs and will also try and understand whether NFOs are riskier or safer to invest in. What is covered? 00:00- Livestream starts 06:43- About Today's Session 06:58- Introduction 08:16- What are NFOs? 16:31- Difference between IPO & NFO 20:19- How to analyse an NFO? 20:48- Checklist for analysing NFO 25:42- Why does NAV of NFO start at Rs.10/Unit? 27:00- Top 3 things to consider before investing 29:21- Till date have I invested in any NFO or not? 32:58- Announcements 34:16- About Quant Mutual Fund in brief That's the Homework Link. https://forms.gle/HN2Qv6pp9hrdUV7Y6 Enroll now by visiting www.rachanaranade.com Feel free to WhatsApp on +91 9022196678 if you have any purchase-related queries. Android App: https://bit.ly/CARRAndroidApp iOS App: https://bit.ly/CARRiOSApp Basics of Stock Market Course: https://course.rachanaranade.com/BOSM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join my YouTube Memberships: https://bit.ly/JoinCARRYTMembership -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facebook► https://social.rachanaranade.com/Face... Telegram ►https://social.rachanaranade.com/Tele... Instagram► https://social.rachanaranade.com/Inst... Twitter► https://social.rachanaranade.com/twitter Linkedin► https://bit.ly/CARRLinkedin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playlist: Basics of Stock Market For Beginners: https://link.rachanaranade.com/BOSM #CARachanaRanade #MutualFund #NFOs