How To Freestyle Jump Rope
This jump rope freestyle tutorial goes over how to jump rope freestyle like a boss! 😎 ** Subscribe to Jump Rope Mentor** Google definition of freestyle: A freestyle is an event or contest of a sport in which there are very few restrictions on the tricks or on the routine that a competitor can employ. It basically means that you are free to do whatever you want. What I really love about jump rope freestyling is that you really have no limitation on what you can do and what you want to do as a person. Some people like to dance to music while doing freestyle jump rope. Some others like to go really hard and get all the steam that has built up during the day just let it off. When you're freestyling you're usually putting together different tricks you've learned, and this video has the goal to equip you with the knowledge and information so that you can get out there and successfully be able to freestyle and specially train and freestyling. 1: Going faster while freestyle skipping rope (01:48) A very common I see when people start to jump rope freestyle, including myself is that we start going faster. Which is why you need to be able to go faster without tripping on the rope. When trying to go faster when jumping rope, it is of critical importance that you keep you hands and shoulders as close to your body as possible. A very common mistake I see that people when they start to go faster, they open their shoulders so they can use their shoulder muscles to help them rotate the rope. When you open your shoulders when jumping rope, you're actually making the rope going under you feet shorter, which is exactly what you don't want when you're trying to go faster. The second very common mistake I see a lot of people do when they are trying to go faster. Is that they go from slow to fast really suddenly. So let's say you're jumping at 100 turns per minute, all of a sudden you've switched it to 150 turns per minute. You're only going to trip on the rope because your body won't have the time to adapt to this new speed. Which is why when you're trying to go faster, you have to get there gradually. When I freestyle, how I usually get to go faster is that in my head i'm counting. So I start with 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 it just gets faster. Third important thing when trying to freestyle is to get your timing right. Timing is developed on the field and not while watching a video. But what I can do is give you tricks that are going to help you train on your timing. Having a point of reference when jumping is perfect for timing. A point of reference can be; you counting in your head, using a metronome, or having music with a constant beat while jumping rope. 2: Do Not Plan Your Jump Rope Freestyle Routine (03:56) Exactly, not planning the routine is the best thing you can do. Do you know why, and that's talking from personal experience? When you plan your routine, your mind is constantly distracted when trying to perform. Instead of focusing on proper form and timing, your mind is thinking, okay what's the next move I have now. A distracted mind is the worst thing when jumping rope. It is the moment I decided just to let go, and be in the present moment that freestyling really started working. Freestyling is really done best when in the present moment and you do the tricks spontaneously. Try to be mindful of those things, and try to catch yourself when you're tripping to understand what caused it. Was it just not proper timing or did your mind get distracted which led to all the things we talked about? 3: Have fun (05:06) Those ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty minutes you get per day to be able to jump rope are yours, and you should make the best of them. Remember, when you're performing a freestyle you're putting together many tricks that took you maybe weeks and months to learn. You're putting all of those together in one routine and add to that the accelerated speed you might have. This makes successfully doing and entire freestyle routine really hard. Which is why you shouldn't get demotivated when trying to freestyle. It can get demotivating if you keep messing up on the same trick, but it is going to come. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎵Music for Jumping Rope: https://open.spotify.com/user/22duckp... ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ *** SOME SOCIAL LINKS *** Instagram: / jumpropementor Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leonjumprope... About this video: In this video, Leon Abboud also known as jump rope mentor does a #jumpropefreestyle tutorial to help you learn how to jump rope freestyle. In this video, Jumpropementor gives tips on how to successfully do #jumprope freestyle tricks and achieve your jump rope #freestyle routine.