How to Buy a House with $1000

How to Buy a House with $1000

Yes! You can buy a home with $1000 through the USDA's Rural Development Down Payment Assistance Loan Program. In this video, we'll show you how to buy a house with $1000. You can get this loan all over the country, as long as the area you are in is eligible based on the USDA's Map of Eligible Areas. The USDA loans are listed on their website. If you want more information, below I've linked the Map of Eligible Areas as well as the requirements and application page! USDA Map of Eligible Areas USDA Requirements and Application (USDA Rural Development Loan) Housing Market 2022 Video Keep Connected with us... Home Page: Facebook:   / turnerrealestategroup   Instagram:   / wayneturnerrealestate   LinkedIn:   / wayneturner333   Twitter:   / wayneturner   Pinterest:   / wayneturner   TikTok: @wayneturnerrealestate DISCLAIMER The contents of this video are for strictly educational and entertainment purposes. This video is not intended to provide financial, accounting, tax, or legal advice. For financial or legal advice consult with financial advisor or lawyer.