Why Cats Leave and Never Return?

Why Cats Leave and Never Return?

Cats sometimes run away from home. They can be gone for several days or disappear entirely. Even an indoor cat can find the right opportunity to slip out the door and never return. In this video, we’re going to go in-depth on all the reasons that make some cats run away, and explain whether lost cats can find their way back home. Your home is too stressful for them Cats are creatures of habit and they are easily stressed. If your home is chaotic, your cat may decide to escape. Cats can be become stressed by a great number of things, such as welcoming a new pet or family member, arguing with your spouse, or even loud noises like vacuum cleaners. Even smaller changes such as moving or home renovations, having a dinner party, or a new cat in the neighborhood can spook your cat and cause them to seek refuge elsewhere. Yelling or punishing your cat is another cause of stress. A cat who feels unsafe at home is more likely to run away to look for a new home. They are searching for a mate A cat’s reproductive drive is a powerful thing. Some cats may run away in search of a mate. If an unneutered male catches a whiff of a female in heat, they’ll do just about anything to track them down. If those urges carry them far enough away from the neighborhood that they’re familiar with, they could struggle to find their way back home again. Neutering or spraying a cat will significantly reduce a cat’s urge to escape in search of a mate. They don’t feel well If your cat suddenly starts running away from you and it’s out of character, this could indicate that they are not feeling well. When cats are ill, they prefer to go somewhere isolated to recover on their own. Likewise, if your cat is on the verge of dying, they may wander off in search of solitude. They want to claim more territory Cats have an insatiable thirst for acquiring new territory. Once your cat has become completely comfortable inside your home environment, they may desire to expand their kingdom. That means venturing out beyond the limits of your house. It may cause them get lost and never return. They want to hunt Cats are known for their strong hunting instinct. They love to hunt and chase prey animals. Your cat may be distracted while chasing a rodent, or they may be lured to explore further afield. Before they know it, they’re lost and far from home. They’re Cheating on You If you have an outdoor cat that leaves at the same time every day, there’s a good chance that they have another family somewhere nearby. Other friendly humans may have taken a liking to your cat and begun feeding them. Maybe they have tastier treats, or show them more affection than you do. It’s very common for cats to make friends with other people in the area. Something Has Spooked Your Cat Cats are super-sensitive little animals. When they get frightened, one of their strongest instincts will be to get away from whatever's scaring them. Many outdoor cats have been run off by a neighbor’s dog. If there has been a thunderstorm or some fireworks nearby, your cat may suddenly get away to protect themselves They’re Feeling Neglected If you leave your kitty alone at home for long periods of time, or don’t give them as much attention and affection as they need, they could run away searching for love elsewhere. They are curious Cats also run away just because they are curious animals who love to explore the world. Maybe your cat likes chasing insects or butterflies; maybe they got distracted by a neighbor kid or a bird. If there is something enticing nearby, your cat is likely to roam away from home. Can Cats Find Their Way Home? Cats have great intelligence and acutely developed senses, but there is no guarantee they will always be able to find their way back home. Some will be able to get their bearings from their environment, but others may escape to the point where they lose these bearings and put their safety at risk. When they are lost, some cats find their way back home because they leave olfactory traces along the way. They rub their head, scratch trees, and pee to diffuse their pheromones and leave a trace for them to find later. Some evidence supports the idea that cats are even able to use the earth’s geomagnetic fields to locate their homes. If your cat is lost, the first thing you should do is look for it in the immediate area. You can also publicize them on social media, put up fliers, check with shelters and speak to your local vet. If your cat has a microchip then a vet can scan them and call you using your up-to-date information.